Plant-Biotic Interactions With Fire
In this blog I will be discussing
the interactions between plants and fire. Aldo Leopold is considered to be the
godfather of conservation and has left a major impact on the wildlife
techniques that we use today. Leopold had five wildlife management techniques.
These techniques were an axe, cow, plow, match, and a gun. Aldo Leopold once said, “Fire
has always been part and parcel of the evolutionary background of our present
species in many regions.” Prescribed fires are commonly used to promote
plant growth and set back succession. Wildfires are fires that are burning out
of containment and can have various intensities. While some people view fire as
a detrimental thing to the environment, it can be very beneficial. For example,
the Great Smoky Mountain wildfire destroyed many homes and businesses but it
could result in the betterment of some of the ecosystems that were burned. Many
plant species rely on fire for their existence. These plants have many
adaptations that help them survive these fires. A few of these adaptations
include serotinous cones and thick bark. Fires also clear debris from the
soil’s surface allowing for seeds to be in contact with bare mineral soil. Fire
can have a major impact on the environment in many ways. If you have never seen
an area that has recently been burned, then you are in for a treat. What was once
a place that was not anesthetically pleasing and covered in plant litter
becomes a magnificent field of green plants emerging from the ground. Fire
impacts the biotic factors in the environment through the change of plant
consumption and reduced competition.
The presence of fire is very
important for herbivory. The great Aldo Leopold went on to say, “fire
may well be the single most important factor in determining what animal and
vegetable life will thrive in many areas.” Fire can help improve both
the nutritional and quantity of food available to herbivores. This increase in
food abundance can aid in the increase of carrying capacities, growth rates,
and reproduction for many herbivores (Mellars, 1976). The use of fire and grazing plays a vital role
in both the maintenance and establishment of savannas and grasslands (Milchunas
et al. 1988). When fire occurs in an
ecosystem, herbivores typically select recently burned areas (Vinton et al.
1993). Fire isn’t just used for forests and grasslands, but for agriculture as
well. The severity of herbivore grazing is correlated to the intensity of the
fire. If there is a large amount of grazing on an area there tends to be less
fuel load for the fire, which will cause a less severe impact on the ecosystem.
On the other hand, a more intense fire can cause a significant change of woody
vegetation on the ecosystem (Langevelde et al. 2003). In 1966, the use of
prescribed burning was eliminated at Tall Timbers Research Station in
Tallahassee, Florida. After the first fifteen years of fire exclusion, the
changes in wildlife abundance and vegetation were obvious. The amount of
groundcover decreased from 85% to 21%, while the canopy cover increased from
43% to 91% (Engstrom et al. 1984).
So why do we care about the
plant-biotic interactions with fire? Animals need food to survive. In North
America, two very important influences on the function and structure of
grasslands are herbivore grazing and fire (Vinton et al. 1993). Ecosystems that
have experienced a fire generally have a robust amount of vegetation in the
understory. This in increase in plant abundance in the understory allows for
animals to eat them more easily. An increase in plant consumption by animals
can allow for them to have a higher carrying capacity, increased growth rates,
and more successful reproduction. The increased amount of beneficial plant
material located on the forest floor can also be attributed to the lack of
plant competition that is caused by fire. Herbivore numbers and fire are two
ways that landowners can meet their desired objectives (Levich et al. 2009). Sometimes
land managers need to cut down valuable trees in order to increase sunlight to
the forest floor. This is one of the management tools that is used that most of
the public does not like. Most hunters want to hunt around oak trees and they
think that cutting some of those trees down is a stupid idea, but what about
the other eight or nine months that those trees aren’t producing mast? Fire
helps reduce plant competition by eliminating the majority of the mid-story and
understory of the ecosystem, which creates an increase in light penetrating to
the forest floor. So if you were a deer, would you rather have acorns to eat
three or four months out of the year or would you rather have a robust amount
of grasses, forbs, and seedlings to eat? Fire doesn’t just increase the amount
of forage, it also provides specific habitat that some animals need to survive.
Animals need food, water, cover,
and shelter to help then strive in an ecosystem. The presence of fire has the
ability to create early successional habitat that some species desire. There
are many species that depend on fire. A few of these species are white-tailed
deer, wild turkey, northern bobwhite, red-cockaded woodpecker, and many other birds
(Brennan et al. 1998). The Northern Bobwhite Quail is a perfect example of a
species that depends on fire. Leopold stated that the northern bobwhite “was
undoubtedly evolved in an environment that was always subject to occasional
burning” Quail are also known as the “fire bird” and need fire to help create
the necessary habitat that they need. Quail require fire every one to two years
to help restore their habitat (Graves, personal communication).
It is very important to understand
that many wildlife species need fire to be successful. The use of fire has
decreased over the years, and as a result, so have the wildlife species that
depend on them (Table 1). It is because of the lack of fire that many species
are in decline, threatened, and even endangered (Table 1). The following table was produced from the findings that Brennan et al. 1998 found in their study of fire-dependent wildlife species without the presence of fire.
Table 1. Terrestrial vertebrates from southern pine forests
and savannas that have affinities for habitats maintained by frequent fire.
Species Current Status
Gopher tortoise
Greater prairie-chicken
Northern bobwhite
Red-cockaded woodpecker
Bachman’s sparrow
Sherman’s fox squirrel
Eastern indigo snake
Florida grasshopper sparrow
and threatened status according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed
vertebrate species index, January 31, 1998. Declining status determined from
various sources.
My research on plant-biotic
interactions with fire has given me a better understanding of how fire impacts
plants and animals. I have concluded that these interactions can be attributed
to three key points. 1) Many ecosystems and wildlife species depend on fire. 2)
The use of fire has decreased, and as a result, many fire-dependent species are
struggling. 3) Herbivores can influence the intensity of the fire by reducing
the fuel load.
Fire impacts the environment through
the changes in plant consumption and reduced plant competition. Fire can have a
major impact on the environment in both positive and negative ways. The use of
fire has been used as a management tool for hundreds of years. I have
personally used prescribed fires to burn around 2,000 acres, and I have seen
how many ecosystems strive after the application of fire. However, wildfires
can create a problem for the environment. I have found through my research that
the changes in plant consumption and competition are related to fire.
Literature Cited
Mellars, Paul.
"Fire ecology, animal populations and man: a study of some ecological
relationships in prehistory." Proceedings of the Prehistoric
Society. Vol. 42. Cambridge University Press, 1976.
Milchunas, D.
G. , O. E. Sala , and W. K. Lauenroth . 1988. A generalized model of the
effects of grazing by large herbivores on grassland community structure. Am. Nat. 132:87–106.
Vinton, M.
A. , D. C. Hartnett , E. J. Finck ,
and J. M. Briggs . 1993. Interactive effects of fire, bison (Bison bison) grazing
and plant community composition in tallgrass prairie. Am. Midl. Nat. 129:10–18.
Van Langevelde,
Frank, et al. "Effects of fire and herbivory on the stability of savanna
ecosystems." Ecology 84.2 (2003): 337-350.
Levick, Shaun R., et
al. "The relative influence of fire and herbivory on savanna
three-dimensional vegetation structure." Biological Conservation 142.8
(2009): 1693-1700.
Brennan, L.A.; Engstrom, R.T.; Palmer,
W.E. 1998. Whither wildlife without fire?. Transactions of the 63rd North
American Wildlife and Natural Resources conference; 1998 March 20-25; Orlando,
FL. Washington, DC: Wildlife Management Institute: 402-414.
Graves, Chris. Personal Communication.
Engstrom, R.T., R. L. Crawford and W.
W. Baker. 1984. Breeding bird populations in relation to changing forest
structure following fire exclusion: A 15-year study. Wilson Bull. 96: 437-450.
Joe, I like how you used your own personal experience with fire as a management tool in this blog. Also using the same photo from your first blog in this one as well helps tie them both together.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Josh that it is nice that you were able to use your own personal experience to demonstrate your point. I do think that a few more images would have been helpful but all in all, a very good post.